Mission Hearts – Volunteers Needed

Submitted by: Dee Mathes | Email: hands@pinncom.com | URL: http://www.missionumc.com/mdcc-missionhearts.html

Mission Hearts (an outreach of Mission United Methodist Church) is returning for our fourth visit to Haiti in less than a year. Our work is primary with the deaf and disabled in the capitol of Port au Prince, where over 1 million 300,000 are still living in tents, many of which after a year are falling apart.

We will be working at the deaf camp where 400 are struggling to survive with food supplies running out and cholera has now taken the life of one deaf camp member. We will also be providing medical care at St. Vincent’s school for the deaf and handicapped as well as working with the teachers and students.

There is still great need in Haiti and those who are deaf and disabled are particularly vulnerable in emergency situations and are always the last to receive food or assistance in times of disaster.

Volunteers from all walks of life, deaf and hearing are still needed for the next trip in March but especially needed is a dentist and orthopedic specialist. Chris White from Lavaca, our RN Air Vac nurse heads up our medical team which includes one physician and 3 RN’s . If anyone is interested in serving with this team please contact Dee Mathes at 479-430-6568 or visit the Mission Hearts website at http://www.missionumc.com/mdcc-missionhearts.html for additional information. If you cannot serve yourself then please consider finically supporting Mission Hearts efforts to help those in need in Haiti.

The people of Haiti are beautiful, their spirits, their kindness, and their gentleness is something you will always remember. We hope you will consider joining us and have your life changed forever by the experience.

Dee Mathes

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