Isaiah 6:8: “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I, Send me!”
The Mission Hearts mission team is looking for team members who want to serve in Haiti. All ASL skill levels are welcome, D/deaf, hearing and hard of hearing. We have a special need for medical personal to join and serve in Haiti. Doctors, RN & LPN Nurses, Dentist and Dental assistants, are all need. Knowledge of ASL is a benefit but not required, interpreters will assist with translations.
We will be holding a VBS program for the children, teaching emergency disaster training to the Haitian Boy Scouts and training the staff in American Sign Language. So there are three different programs where you can be of great service to the school and mission team.
Mission Hearts is an outreach of Mission United Methodist Church and the Mission Deaf Connection Center but mission teams are open to all faiths.
For more information on cost and requirements please contact Dee Mathes at and Nicole Zatzkin at
Dear Director!
This is to inform you that Harvest Mission Deaf Church is a faith based organization established since 2003 with the aim of preaching the word of God in sign language to the Deaf congregation in Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa. The Deaf ministry has been registered with Attorney General under Section 10 of the Society Act of Kenya. The deaf members attended deaf church with average attendance of 80 deaf congregation.The deaf congregation used a renting hall on the 5th floor of Landmarl Plaza, Kariobangi North, with 30′ by 60′ sizes in the heart of Nairobi City.Most of the Deaf members come from a very poor slum of Nairobi areas with no food, road, house, electricity and clothes.They also lacks salvation message of Jesus Christ due to no Bible and tract materials to be used both at home and the Deaf Church.
The deaf ministry’s main activities such as home prayer visit, Hiv/Aids, Sign Language, and Deaf Bible felloweship. The Deaf ministry has been facing a major challenge to meet the on going activities from friends and well wisher.
There are thousands of hearing ministries and organisation targeting every nation, tribe and group of people throughout the country, Kenya. Almost none of these organizations are focusing on reaching the 3.5 million Deaf. yet, I believe in God’s heart the Deaf hold a special place. In Leviticus 19:4, God commands, “Do not curse the Deaf ” In Isaiah 29:18, it reads, “In that Day the Deaf will hear the word of the scroll, How will the Deaf hear the words of the scroll in That day, unless they “first hear” the word of the scroll Today, in their language, with thier eyes! Millions of Deaf souls are hanging in the balance!
The people there call the Deaf “the unreachable, unreachables” that means many thousands of Deaf in East Africa are dying without knowing Jesus , and there is no one in that country to tell them. No one understand thier sign languages. The society there does not accept them. Hearing Africa people will not talk with them. They think Deafness is a curse. No one is telling these precious about Jesus. Who will go and work in that field?
God’s has impressed upon my heart to do something that has never been done in history of Deaf ministry. I would like to request your organization to assist the deaf congregation with easy Bibles and other materials to be used by the deaf ministry in Kenya, East Africa. We are also humbly request your orgainzation to assist hearing children of deaf parents with child sponsor program to continue thier education. We are willing to request your organization to come forward and patrner with us inorder to equip and encourage deaf people to know and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour.
Thank you in advance
Deaf pastor
Charles Odira
Harvest Mission Deaf Church
P.O.Box 28125-00200