July’s DeafShop Series: Accommodations in Medical and Hospital Settings
How do I ask for ASL Interpreters? Who pays the Sign Language Interpreters? Who is responsible providing accommodations? What if I am denied? Communication Strategies and Appropriate Techniques to Request will be introduced. Tips will be given for Deaf and Hard of Hearing participants to ensure effective communication and effective advocacy regarding their communication rights.
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
TIME: 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
LOCATION: Career and Recovery Resources
2525 San Jacinto, Houston, Texas 77002
PRESENTED BY Ricky Harris and Matt Dickens, D/HH Access Specialists. For more information, contact Ricky D Harris.
CAAG’s Resource Specialist Project is funded by the Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services – DHHS, under the Texas Health and Human Services Commission – HHSC
Submitter Email: Ricky.Harris@caag4.com
Do you have any programs for hearing students that are learning ASL?