Our second meeting of the year to prepare for DAW 2010 will be held at Metropolitian Multi-Services Center from 10am to 12pm. in Classroom #2 on May 22nd (Saturday).
If you are interested in volunteering and assisting please feel free to show up the meeting, or email us at daw@deafhouston.org. We’re looking forward to making 2010 a successful DAW event! And we can’t do it WITHOUT you!
Metropolitian Multi-Services Center
1475 West Gray
Houston, Texas 77019
Start at 10 am in Classroom #2
See you folks there!
About Billy Koch
Billy Koch, a deaf professional who works in the IT industry, currently works for The Methodist Hospital System for MITIE as a IT Project Coordinator. Billy has over 15 years of IT experience behind him. Billy is the son of a deaf parents, and has a deaf brother as well. He grew up in a mainstream program with no deaf education program. He was first exposed to the deaf culture when he attended Gallaudet University for his Bachelors from 91-96.
Billy has a MBA from West Texas A&M, and is currently the Executive Director of Greater Houston Deaf Connections, a non-profit organizations that focuses on education, advocacy, and support for deaf and hard of hearing people. He is an aspiring guy who wants to also educate the community of what they can do and what they can achieve.
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