A service of Deaf Television Foundation and Media Data Network, Inc.
Austin, Texas, October 26, 2017– The Silent Network, the nation’s first national television network, geared to deaf and hard of hearing viewers, has re-launched as an Over-The-Top (OTT) television service. All the programming is presented in sign language, open captions (subtitles), and full sound making it accessible to everyone. The popular network, which lasted for over 20 years, has a unique acronym SIgn Language ENTertainment. This revival is made possible through a new partnership between Las Vegas, Nevada-based Media Data Network and Austin, Texas-based Deaf Television Foundation, which operates The Silent Network.
The Silent Network was founded in 1979 as a national cable television network, which was viewed by more than 17 million households nationwide in the USA and Canada. The network received numerous accolades over the years, including seven Emmy Awards. The network aired a variety of shows that appeal to deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing viewers of all ages.
The revived network can now be accessed via subscription through the URL of www.stv.life. The network’s high definition television programming can be viewed on a variety of streaming devices.
Dr. Steve Baldwin, President of the 501(c)3 non-profit Deaf Television Foundation, stated that “our extensive library of classic television shows can now entertain a new generation of viewers, young and old, with shows about health, travel, pets, and important issues of interest to the deaf and hard of hearing community. In addition to the classic shows, we are excited about the forthcoming new shows that are now in production. Over 37.5 million people in the U.S.A., age 18 and above, have some form of hearing loss according to recent studies and the network helps fill the void in the world of television.”
Contact: David H. Pierce
Telephone: 210-380-6460
Email: david@deaftelevision.org
Websites: www.stv.life, www.thesilentnetwork.tv
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